About The Bee’s Reads

Gavin Byrnes
The Bee's Reads
Published in
1 min readSep 20, 2016


Hi. I’m Gavin. I like writing, I like reading, and I like having a lot of friends with interesting things to say.

I spend way too much time on Facebook: making stupid jokes, starting arguments, hurling my opinions into the void, etc.

A couple days ago, a friend asked me “Gavin, when are you going to start a media outlet that I can contribute to?” I realized that, since that is impossibly easy to do now, there really was no excuse not to. So here this is.

What is The Bee’s Reads?

It is whatever you want it to be(e). I’m going to write essays about sports, math, and politics. I’m going to do weird R simulations of stuff and write about them. I’m going to ask Brandon Lowden to tier things (and do a little of it myself). I’m going to ask my smart, funny, oddball friends to contribute whatever they want to. I want this to be a place for interesting ideas.

Why The Bee’s Reads?

Bees are funny.

How Can I Participate?

I’ve set up an email address at thebeesreads@gmail.com, and a twitter account at twitter.com/BeeReads. You can also ask me personally. All you need is a Medium account, and I’ll add you as a writer.

You’re obnoxious, please go away.

Hi Jose! (or perhaps Sergio?) Or any number of people to whom I am a regular annoyance! Anyway, if you think my writing is annoying and not very good, why not contribute yourself and make the site better!

Ok then.

Thank you! Let’s build something!



My financial plan is an outrageous demand, and it's too many damn pages for any man to understand